Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How To Use Pay-Per-Click To Explode Your Website Traffic

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by WDG

I want to talk to you about pay per click and why you need to be doing pay per click to get traffic with Google Adwords.

First, it's very, very quick. You can be up and running with a pay per click account with Google and have your ads sending traffic to your site within about 20 minutes to half an hour, so it's very, very quick.

And it can be cost effective if done correctly. So it is definitely something that you need to consider.

Now the biggest problem that I come across is people wasting a lot of money on pay per click. They get in touch with me and say, "I've done pay per click. It's cost me an absolute fortune. I haven't made a single sale but I've spent several hundred dollars on pay per click."

The reason that's happened is because they don't know how to create ads properly. So let me just give you a very quick introduction.

So how do you write ads that attract clicks? Good question.

One of the best things you can do is to understand that managing your PPC campaign is a step by step process, with each step designed to accomplish a specific objective, and with all steps linked, leading your prospect from the start (where they search for the keywords your bidding on) to the end (where they 'convert' either into buyers or leads or subscribers).

Writing ads then is just one step of this process.

You need to remember that even in a low-competition market, your ads are under pressure to perform.(that is, your clicks must also convert), or otherwise they will end up costing you money. Because of this you should always write ads with two things in mind:

-The ad must persuade the prospect that the page this ad points to will hold the answer to what they are looking for.

-The landing page must deliver on what the ad promises.

In addition, you also have to ensure that only those people you are targeting will click on your ad.

Here are a few guidelines for writing your ad.

Identify what you are selling. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you are selling and how that will tie in with your ad.

Narrow down your target market. Understand who you are selling to. Use focused keywords to help you create a targeted ad. Focus on subtopics rather than ads for the general keyword.

Write to persuade – this is sales writing in a very small space. Sales writing boils down to a simple principle, convincing the reader to take immediate action on what you want them to do(sign up to a list, buy a product, etc.).

To do this right you have to first attract their attention (headline), convey the most powerful benefit (first line) and provide a logical justification for taking that action through your most powerful feature(your second line).

As an entrepreneur, your income will always be a function of traffic.

Traffic is important! It's the lifeblood that runs and determines the success of any business.

With Google Adwords, you have the ability to reach your target market instantly, and get them to make a decision on your product/service.

Adwords is a vast topic and can be a course all on it's own. But if you follow these simple guidelines, you'll have a huge advantage of people that don't.

You can get "Laser Targeted Traffic To Your Website...In Only 5 Days!" a free 5-part mini course here:

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