Wednesday, April 23, 2008

RSS : What Is It And Why Is It Good For Business?

Subscribe in a Reader


by Debra LaLomia

An RSS feed is your very own news tickertape of your website or blog - Distributing updated headlines quicker than a New York minute, like an electronic newsboy yelling, "EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!" RSS, standing for really simple syndication, is used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcats. It contains either a summary of content from your site or the full text and automatically emails your subscribed readers as soon as new content is updated on your site.

RSS feeds have many advantages if you keep your site current and updated often. Having the option of giving RSS feeds for your news or content is also great for your audience. It makes it easier for them to catch up on what's new with your company, and it helps you cater to your selected group of readers. Here's three big advantages of using RSS feeds :

RSS ADVANTAGE 1: Stay in your clients' radar. RSS makes it possible to share information directly between websites. You don't have to hope your customers actually read your promotional e-mails or re-visit your site on a regular basis. They will automatically be informed every time you update your web pages with new articles.

RSS ADVANTAGE 2: Find your user group. People with similar interests are brought together through their selections of RSS feeds. This helps your target group find you.

RSS ADVANTAGE 3: It looks good for you! You will be perceived as an active, innovative source (which of course you are). So be interesting and give your readers incentive to stick with your feed.

Overall, using RSS feeds for your business is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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