by Nes Ramirez
If you have been sitting on the wall waiting for the right time to start creating content sites again then that time has arrived.
However, just adding content in bulk to sites was not a long term option because the search engines would ultimately catch on... and then you would get Slapped; which is exactly what is happening.
Imagine the Unimaginable; Unlimited Unique Content Articles
From an Internet Marketers point of view, this is like winning the lottery, unique content for the web that can be used anywhere with no fear that it will ever be used again - anywhere.
You are right to be dubious, after all I was when I first heard about this but after watching the numerous demonstrations, I finally had to admit that I was convinced and more importantly, hooked on the idea.
Article content the easy way
Whether you market using blogs, adsense, membership sites or email, the list is endless; you can fresh content for it that Google will love and no more rewrites.
It even has a name that says what it does The system is called iContentRobot and it will revolutionize the way everyone works on the Internet when it is released very soon.
Forget what you have learned in the past because iContentRobot is the future, whether you are a part of it is up to you!
A new article at the touch of a button The speed at which new fresh content articles can be generated and ready to use will literally take your breath away.
How much time do you think you waste on your business each day? Come on now be honest - just how much time do you spend away from the computer in a day, one minute, one hour, 6 hours; because if you are spending this long at work just how much time are you giving to yourself?
This is surely is the essiest method to generate unique content for your newsletter, blog, ezine publishing, article marketing and website to learn more check my icontent Robot and generate unique articles in less them 4 seconds1
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