Monday, June 23, 2008

Search Engine Optimization And Why You Should Be Using It

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by Barry J McDonald

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a term widely used today by many e-commerce sites. For the past few years and the next ten years or so, Search Engines would be the most widely used Internet tool to find the sites that they need to go to or the product or information they need.

Most people that use Search Engines use only the ten top search results in the first page. Making it to the first page, more so to the top three is a barometer of a sites success in Search Engine optimization. You will get a higher ratio of probability in being clicked on when you rank high. The more traffic for your site, the more business you rake in.

But, it is essential to grab a hold of that spot or make your ranking even better. As I aforementioned, each day is a new day for all e-commerce sites to make them selves rank higher using Search Engine optimization. It is imperative to make your site better and better everyday.

So just what is Search Engine optimization and do you have to use it? The answer to why you have to use it is an easy one. You need Search Engine optimization to be number one, or maybe at least make your site income generating. Period.

With Search Engine optimization you can get the benefit of generating a high traffic volume. Let's just say you get only a turn out of successful sales with 10 to 20 percent of your traffic. If you get a hundred hits or more a day, you get a good turn out of sales already. If you get only twenty to ten hits a day, you only get one or two if not any at all.

So once again, what is Search Engine optimization? Search Engine optimization is utilizing tools and methods in making your site top ranking in the results of Search Engines. Getting yourself in the first page and better yet in the top half of the page will ensure that your site will generate public awareness of your site's existence and subsequently generate more traffic, traffic that could lead to potential income and business.

Search Engine optimization requires a lot of work to be fully realized. There are many aspects you have to change in your site or add as well to get Search Engine optimization. These will include getting lots of information about the keyword phrases that are popular in regards to your sites niche or theme.

You may also need to rewrite your sites contents so that you could get the right keyword phrases in your site without making it too commercial but light and informative. There are certain rules and guidelines to be followed with making your site's content applicable and conducive to Search Engine optimization.

You will also need to collaborate with many other sites so that you could get link exchanges and page transfers. The more inbound and outbound traffics generated by sites among others are one of the components Search Engines uses to rank sites.

Try to search the Internet for many useful help. Tips, guidelines and methods for Search Engine optimization are plenty to be found. Read many articles that can help you optimize your site in Search Engine results. The more knowledge and information you gather the better. This will all help you in getting those high rankings. This may require a little time and effort in your part but the benefits will be astounding.

If you can part with some money, there are many sites in the Internet that can help you in Search Engine optimization. There are many sites that help in tracking keyword phrases that can help your site. There are also some content writers that have lots of experience in making good keyword laden content for your sites that have good quality.

For more great tips and FREE advice drop by now and check out our vast collection of Search Engine Optimization articles.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

How To Generate FREE Traffic To Your Website

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by Barry J McDonald

Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need a capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the Internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jump start your traffic flows, many sites don't have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don't have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it's a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods.

Because it is possible, you don't need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I'm about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don't have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there's a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site. Many Search Engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that all content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your own but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.

Generally, Internet users use Search Engines to find what they are looking for. Search Engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in Search Engine results without the costs.
All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man-hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.

Need lots of FREE traffic for your website? Visit and give us your articles. We'll do our best to get as much FREE traffic to your site as possible...Its what we're here for!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Make Money Blogging

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by Sentalus Clowers

Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is best ebook to learn how to create a blog and drive tons of traffic to your blog. With his techniques you could make over 30,000 per month or more.

Blogging to The Bank 2.o is a step-by-step system that Rob Benwell created. It has help him set up successful blog to reap in cash on autopilot. It has earned him over 30,000 per month. Now it is available to you.

With Blogging To The Bank 2.0, you will discover

1. How One Small Blog Can Earn Close To 4,000 Every Month
2. How To Quickly Create A Blog In Few Minutes
3. A Powerful Blog Promotion Technique That Drive Over 30,000 Visitors To Your Blog
4. The Top 5 Secrets That Guarantee Any Blogger Success
5. A Secret Technique To Build A Mult-Million Dollar Blog Empire

If you are blogging and want to make money blogging I highly recommend that you get Blogging To The Bank 2.0. Click below the link to learn more.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Live auction software : Online auction software

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by anand_bangalore

The online auction software is software which provides live auctions. It supports multiple auctions by multiple groups of people at a given time. It includes Buyer sender information feedback, shipping calculation etc.

The UI is more attractive than any other online auction softwares. For every auction there is an auction invitation sent as mail to bidders who want to participate. The auction central page holds the item listed in groups or categories.

Want an online auction business?

If you are looking to setup and run an online auction then our complete online auction software package is perfect and ready to go. We could have your new auction business up and running in a few easy and simple steps. We provide installation guide and our support team will guide you thru complete installation setup and support for one year.

The first place to start is by taking a look at our online demo (given on the basis of request to our company website) and have a good look around the feature packed auction demo. Read through our full feature list. Then if you are ready to order click below.

Technical Advantages such as:

# Purge database
# Delete cached files
# Run timed events manually
# Access complete source code
# Online Administrator Help
# Highly Scalable; application written in Cold Fusion
# Deployable across multiple servers
# Optimized for improved efficiency on slower servers
# Uses Windows Professional Server and MS SQL database.

Admin Module :
Create questions and answers or respond to customer questions through admin. FAQ automatically displays on the site.

Add rotating banners directly through admin.

Target users with common interests. Opt-in or All Users.

Set multiple levels of admin access.

Anand Ravindran a senior software engineer in Sigma Info solutions Limited, Bangalore, India. The author has been part of projects like Attributor - Content Management System", Airtel - " Operation Suport System", Sling Media Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore - "Customised bug tracking tool".
For details over the web applications visit
For details about the company visit

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Video Uploads: Easy And Free, But Read The Fine Print!

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by Alan Jacobson

Almost everybody has a need or desire to upload video to the internet. It you want to post video on your own homepage for family and friends to see, have video stream on your social networking (e.g. facebook) page, use a file sharing site, or create a video clip to send to family by e-mail, you need to know how to upload video. The good thing is that there are plenty of sites that allow you to upload video simply, easily, and for free.

So, how do you choose between these different sites? Perhaps the most important way to compare and contrast video upload sites is by comparing the agreements you have to "sign" before you use the service offered at the site. And the biggest difference to look for: Who will "own" your uploaded video once it's on the site? Or, more accurately: Will you have to share ownership of your video upload once it's on their site?

If you don't carefully read the agreement, you may be unknowingly giving a site you uploaded video through the permission and ability to do any of the following:

- Monetize your video clip, such as posting it on a page surrounded by advertisements and links.

- Use your video upload as an example of their product in their advertising and promotional materials

- Share your free video upload with some "partner sites", which could be of significant number. Your funny video of your cat could spread across the internet very quickly!

- Some smaller sites whose intentions are not good could even edit your video clip in a way that might distort your meaning or purpose in order to make it funny, outrageous, or even anger producing.

- Once you upload video, some sites could use your content in another medium - your uploaded video could appear on a television program or advertisement for example.

Interestingly, depending on your purpose, some of the above could be good for you, like if you are promoting yourself or your business. And most of the above is not harmful, though it could be frustrating to see someone else make money off of your original content.

While most times if you use a free site to help you upload your video clip, none of the above is going to happen. However, if you have to upload video that is going to be the cornerstone of your unique business, vital to your website, or is private in some way, you may want to read the fine print first. At the very least this will help you decide which of the many free video upload services to use.

For more information about free services available to upload video clips onto the internet, please see . Also, to learn an exciting new way video uploads are currently used in real time to help teach people to do everything from using kitchen appliances, to learning how to use new electronic products, and even to do certain physical activities such as yoga, please see

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Computer Use by Seniors Can Ease Loneliness

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by Terry Detty

More and more seniors are catching the 'computer bug' and taking the plunge to go online. The active baby boomers have grown up and become active seniors looking to get out and explore the world around them. The Internet and computers in general, have opened the doors to many avenues of entertainment and excitement for these seniors. No longer are they resigned to the playing of shuffleboard or canasta with their friends for their entertainment.

Now with the aid of computers and the Internet they can play these games and more over online connections with people from all over the world. While learning to use a computer is still one of the biggest challenges to many seniors, many of them, when they learn to use a computer, cannot believe that they were ever worried about it at all.

Some seniors have expressed nervousness when it comes to learning how to use a computer and interact with others over the Internet. They are doubly proud when they cannot only learn to use a computer but can also manage to send emails and use computer programs without any outside help at all.

While some seniors may have had some experience with computers in their past employment, most are learning the basics of computer use for the first time from the ground up. It is quite an ordeal at first for many people who find it all a bit overwhelming. This quickly passes though as they learn the basics very quickly and can see basic results after only a few lessons.

Computer use among seniors has proven to be very beneficial to them in many ways. It gets them active again in something. While using a computer is not the same thing as doing exercise for the body, the use of a computer is a very stimulating way for them to exercise their most important muscle – their brain. By keeping mentally active, many seniors find that they are not lonely any longer and they have much more that they can accomplish with the aid of a computer.

Not only can they use computer programs to help them work on any hobbies they have, but the Internet can also help them to stay in touch with others who share in their hobby. Staying in touch with family and friends by way of email is another great way to help seniors feel connected to the lives of others and to the world around them. By staying in close contact, they find more purpose in their old age.

Some seniors even become competent enough with their computer usage that they can take on part time jobs doing simple data entry for businesses. They can also help to teach other seniors about the benefits of learning to use a computer and the amazing world of the Internet. Many seniors may have only heard about the millions of web sites out there that have so much information that they can access easily.

For many seniors it is like turning on a light that shows them what they have been missing all these years. They become passionate about their search for knowledge with computers and the Internet. The sense of isolation is immediately lifted the very first time they send and receive their initial email message to someone they know. Whether the person is across the country or just across the street, the excitement is the same. They soon learn to feel part of the world again and can take part in many more conversations as their knowledge about computers and the Internet grows.

Being able to reconnect with old friends that they have not talked to for years is a very big deal for these seniors. They can also encourage each other to learn more as they go through many of the same things together while learning about computers and the Internet. Many seniors with hearing problems find it much easier to email someone rather than try and talk to them on the telephone. Seniors who are grandparents find the Internet a great way to stay a part of their grandkids lives.

By sending emails and talking over everyday events, the family grows closer and stays closer as well. By using the Internet, many seniors have found friends with common interests, whether those interests are hobbies or health matters they share, the excitement at being able to message someone and have them chat back to you in nearly real-time is very fun for these seniors.

Terry Detty finds Google Submission Service and Yahoo Submission Service to be very valuable to his firm. In addition to Submission Services, he enjoys reading, walking and biking. His latest interest is a new MSN Submission Service he's been using for his website.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Basics Of SEO

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by andy rasikiao

Nowadays, even the smallest company uses the Internet as a main tool in building a customer base, keeping in contact with their clients and this is also their most basic means of advertising.

Designing a company web site is cheap and effective, not to mention essential because the world wide web is the only medium that offers instantaneous information access to millions of users around the globe.

Any web developer worth his salt should know about search engine optimization or SEO.

This is the key towards building an effective web site that would get a lot of hits and visitors. A web site that nobody visits is useless so the challenge lies in leading Internet users to visit your web site.

Thus, your web site need to be "found" when users type in keywords in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, AOL and others.

Once a keyword relating to the products or services that you offer is keyed into a search engine, a direct link to your web site should emerge on top of the list.

You should employ search engine optimization techniques to lead traffic your way, and get more hits that would later on lead to more profit for your company, which is your goal in the first place.

Here are some tips on how you can make it to the top of the list of search engines, and use your SEO techniques to benefit your web site and your company:

1. If you have an existing web site and domain, just optimize the one that you currently have instead of purchasing a new domain.

It will take some time before your web site will show up in a particular search engine, like Google, so it better to use the one that you currently have instead of switching to a new one.

2. Know who your target audience is and aim for them.

If you are in the manufacturing industry and a user types in your product in a search engine, then you would immediately have your target right in front of you.

As soon as the user hits the Enter button or clicks on 'Search', then the person will be lead to your web site.

Make sure that your target market will get 'hooked' on your web site. Once the search engines show the link to your web site, their job is done.

What you should do next is to make sure that your visitor will not leave your web site without them trying out your products or services, or at least leaving some pertinent information so that you can contact them in the future for marketing and advertising purposes.

When hitting a particular target market, learn about their interests, location and age to have an idea of what you can offer them in return.

Also, you can somehow link their interests to your products and services.

3. Search for the right keyword.

You should be creative, persistent and flexible when looking for the keyword or keyword phrases to use in optimizing your web site.

Google and Yahoo offer some tools and tips on how you can come up with keywords that will yield results.

Do not settle for just one keyword. You can also vary the words and phrases that you use for each page on your web site so that you can have more hits.

4. Consider your target market when designing your web site.

The design itself would include the general theme of the web site. You should also pay attention to smaller details such as color and font style and size.

Make sure that the web site is user-friendly and do not forget to insert helpful articles, tips, hints and related links that can be shared to other users.

It is a good thing to have an option to send a link or an article to a friend, which will add more users and increase your client base.

There should also be various ways to browse through your web site, to fit each user.

A person might find it to difficult use the scroll down option so you should also provide hyperlinks which are accessible to them.

5. Concentrate on the web site content.

Regularly update the content of your web site so that old and new users can find something new when browsing through your site.

Make the content brief and precise. Writing a content which has more than 600 words will make the users lose interest, since most of them do not actually read but just skim through the text.

Strive to be the best and most comprehensive web site and you will make your mark when it comes to information about the products and services that you offer.

It helps a lot to pay attention to detail, too.

Finally, keeping your web site's content updated is a must.

Spread the word about your web site and use the basic search engine optimization techniques and you will surely gain positive results once users visit your web site.

Tom Rasikiao is the owner of SEO blog , webmaster forum and blog hosting

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Top 5 Web Design Pet Peeves

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by Lisa Wells

The evolution of web sites over the past ten years has been amazing. What started out as a motley gathering of crassly designed personal sites has evolved into a varied collection of multimedia presentations, dynamic online journals and stylishly designed online brochures.

What hasn't changed, however, is bad web page design.

As a small business owner, it's usually wise to hand over the design of your web site to an expert. After all, your time and energy is best spent attracting and providing service to your clients.

However, the more you know about web design, the more you can guide your web designer towards an end result that fits your needs.

This is YOUR web site, and is the online face of your business. Don't let your web designer make these mistakes on your site – please.

My Top 5 Web Design Pet Peeves:

5. Page Overboard

Your web designer might enjoy showing off his or her mastery of the latest techniques, but that doesn't mean they belong on your site.

Going overboard by adding animation or a "splash page" not only adds to the page loading time, but it can really irritate visitors who just want to see the information they came for.

Irritated visitors equal lost revenue and lost opportunities, so keep your web site clean, simple and easy to navigate.

4. Irrelevant Content

Content Is King when designing your website, and is equally important to both of the major groups who will determine the success of your web site.

The first group is your web site visitors. They've come in search of specific, current and relevant information, and they want it now. If they can't find it, then poof, they're gone!

The second group is the search engines. If the search engines find relevant information on your site, then they'll pass along your site as a source of that information.

To keep your visitors and the search engines happy, a web site requires your ongoing attention. Outdated information sends a message to your visitor that you're not taking care of business. They can easily assume that you also won't take care of them as a customer.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the kind of impression you will make with bad grammar and typos; enough said.

3. Graphic Takeovers

Don't let your web site be taken hostage by your graphics. Whenever you introduce non-text elements to your web design, you reduce the accessibility of your pages, and this creates problems for visitors with special needs.

You may have visitors who are visually impaired and rely on screen readers, or who are still relying on dial-up connections (up to 30% of Internet users).

So to make your web page dial-up friendly and accessible, limit the number of graphics, displaying only those that truly complement your page. Then, make the graphics web-ready by taking these steps:

1. Compress the file to either JPG (for photos) or GIF (for icons, buttons, etc.) format.
2. Crop out any dead space.
3. Resave the image with a resolution of 72 dpi, which is the ideal resolution for web sites.
4. Add appropriate "alt" tags to all graphics so that screen readers can properly "read" the graphics, menus, buttons and text.

2. Graphic Monstrosities

Having large graphics that slow down your page is bad enough. Blinking, scrolling, or animated text is even worse. But using fuzzy, distorted, or unprofessional graphics is the absolute worst offense you can commit on a web site.

This will immediately create the impression that your work is of a low quality – remember, your web site is the online face of your business.

Adding professional graphics doesn't have to be expensive. You can pick up web-ready photos at for a buck!

1. And my NUMBER 1 WEB DESIGN PET PEEVE is -- Keyword Stuffing

There is a very disturbing and unethical web design trend occurring right now. Designers will "stuff" a site with keywords so that it's identified in the most popular keyword searches, WHETHER OR NOT that web site has anything to do with the subject of the search.

Disappointed visitors may spend a couple of minutes at your site trying to find what they were looking for, but the naïve hope that they will then get sidetracked from their search because your site is so interesting is a risky tactic.

More than likely they will click away in frustration and you will have lost their trust forever by misleading them.

Folks, web design is really quite simple. People visit web sites because they need something – information, a product or a service.

When they get to your site, they want quick access to accurate, relevant and up-to-date content that's easy to see and not cluttered by advertisements.

Your web site doesn't have to be the prettiest or have the latest gizmos and cool tricks to get your point across and serve your visitors.

Stick with the basics and if your web designer is pushing you to commit any of these pet peeves, watch out!

Copyright 2006-2008 Lisa Wells. All rights reserved.

Lisa Wells is a Certified e-Marketing Associate who partners with coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, managing their e-marketing operations and helping them get back to working "on" their business and not "in" it. Move your business to the next level and up your e-marketing game - sign up for her FREE e-course "e-Marketing Toolbox Essentials" at, where she shares ideas, tips, strategies, and do's and don'ts.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To Avoid Being A Spam Target

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by Andreas Stiasny

In the last few years the amount of spam mail has risen extraordinarily. Today the majority of mail messages that are tried to be delivered is spam. Nevertheless the amount of spam that is seen by end users is lower than some time ago because spam filters have evolved and improved their quality. Of course spam filters have disadvantages also. There is always a small risk that you lose messages that are not spam (false positives) and spam filters can be a considerable resource drag.

If there would be a way to avoid handling all these spam messages (or at least most of them) on the mail server, your mail server would require less CPU power, less disk space for log files, less traffic and the chances for false positives would be much lower if you could adjust your spam filter to be less aggressive or even completely avoid the need to use it. There are a number of things you can do to achieve this. These tips only work for a new email address or a new domain. If you already receive lots of spam it is nearly impossible to get out of all the spam databases.

  • Hide your email address

    Spammers only will be able to send you spam if they know your email address. If you don't need to make your email address public, just give it to your friends and business partners but don't put it on a web site.

  • Make it hard to guess your email address

    Address brokers and spammers (or their software) often try to guess email addresses to be able to sell them or send spam to them. Make your address hard to guess. If you own the domain don't use simple addresses like Use a combination of your first name and your surname or add a number. You might also consider to use a subdomain for mail. Your new address might be something like

  • Use a contact form on your web site

    To avoid publishing your email address on your web site you can use a contact form. That way your visitors are still able to send you inquiries via your web site but spammers will not be able to harvest your email address. To avoid getting spam via the contact form you can use some form of captcha.

  • If you have to publish your email address make it hard to read for machines

    In some countries companies are required to publish their email address on their web site. If you have to do this make it in a way that is hard to read for machines. If you put your email address into a gif image and show that image on your site, customers will be able to see your address but harvesting robots will not. Your visitors will not be able to send you mail by clicking on your email address but will have to write your address into their email client manually.

  • Don't put a bunch of addresses in the Cc field

    If you send the same mail to a big number of receivers, don't put all their email addresses in the To or Cc field (especially if some of the receivers don't know some of the others). That way you would give all of the addresses to all of the receivers. It is better to either use the Bcc field or mailing list software. Instruct your mail partners to do the same.

  • Use a different email address for newsletters, shopping sites etc

    Of course sometimes you have to give your email address to people you don't know. You might want to subscribe to a newsletter or order something from an online shop. It is advisable to use a second address for these cases so you don't have to use your good address. If you have your own domain you might even consider to use a new email address for every shop or newsletter. If one of these email addresses starts receiving spam you can deactivate it without affecting your other mail contacts.

  • Last but not least - Never buy anything from a spammer

    Spamming is done because it is profitable. That's the only reason. If nobody would buy the products advertised in spam mails, spammers would not earn anything and would stop spamming. So the most important individual measure against spam is still and will be forever: Never buy anything from a spammer!

Andreas Stiasny runs a small internet service business and has more than 10 years of experience in configuring mail and web servers. For more information about strategies against spam please visit

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Friday, June 6, 2008

How to opt for a better web host

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by Vikas SEO

Today, it is not hard to find a web host. It needs a single click on the mouse to find thousands of web hosting service providers, who are locating every nook and corner of the globe. All of them claim to offer the best service at competitive prices. But, not all are worth it. They can offer you several flexibilities but in reality their service may prove to be insufficient for you. Being a responsible buyer, you should not be lured by their claims. Before counting on a web host, you should apply your own mind to get the best service. A few important things that should be taken into consideration while selecting a web host are as follows:

1. Competent system administrator: Before you sign up with a web hosting service provider, make sure it has competent system administrators, who are capable to handle any complexity of web hosting. They should possess sound knowledge on how to fix up a problem and what to do you during a sudden break up.

2. Pay for actual services: Opt for a service package that understand you and is in tune with your business needs. It is meaningless to sign up for an all-inclusive plan if you will not take advantage of all included services. Ask yourself what your site needs most and pay only for your actually needs.

3. Research before you make the final decision: It is important to undertake a meticulous research on your web hosting service provider before you select a plan from him. Ask around, get references. Make sure your web hosting service provider will always respond to your queries and is dedicated to solve every problem.

4. Be cautious: Most payments are made online. Take a print-out of your purchase agreement. Read the details of your web hosting plan. If it is just cutting your pocket, turn your head around other options.

This is a competitive market. You are left with innumerable options to choose from. If one web hosting service provider has not been able to meet your needs, you can always turn head around other options. A reliable web hosting service provider should understand all your needs and you should pay for what you need.

Brainpulse Web Hosting India has been offering professional Web hosting Services to its clients worldwide since 1999 and has a list of satisfied customers to its credit.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Reasons to Have a Website Redesign

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by John Mahoney

It is quite obvious for an online businessperson to have a website and internet presence to succeed in the business. However, it is important that you periodically check to see if your products or services are easy to access and buy. If they aren't, it could mean that your website is not effective enough, and that it is time to think of a website redesign.

If you have a business where your site has increased in size considerably over the years, you have to find out if the website still meets your needs. The addition of information to the site means you have to consider redesigning of the website for re-organization of data, and perhaps elimination of some information. Sometimes, you may also need to add some multimedia information like audio and video to help improve the effect of your message.

Improved site navigation

Another reason for a website redesign is ineffective site navigation. Sometimes as you add content to the pages, you find that the important information of the site lands up buried in the site and difficult for a surfer to access. With redesigned website, you can arrange website content systematically so that surfers have no problem reaching your content.

If your site requires the latest content on the site, you may have to make a website redesign to get rid of outdated data. You may have to revise spec sheets, change all promotional dates and if required, add some new material every week. Remember that a static looking website creates the impression that you are not serious about your business.

Remember that a well made website design gives any business a corporate identity in the business world. So if you have added new products or have changed the focus of your services, you will have to go into a website redesign to get a new home page design. Only then will you be able to get the depth and breadth of your current business across to your customers.

Use of better technology in the website redesign

Computer technology is changing and improving every other month. So if you had created your website 1-2 years ago, you will most likely need a technology update for your website. This is possible through a website redesign, especially if you had started your website using a very basic site with hard coding of everything.

Whatever the reason for your website redesign, it is better to go into a redesign by doing some prior research. You will have to get some information about the needs and demands of target audience through usability tests, feedback from visitors and online surveys. This way, you will be able to get ideas for a better website redesigning.

Remember that though you will be redesigning your website, don't just scrape away the old website. Keep the old design as a backup folder to be loaded in case the new design fails to generate website traffic. With these thoughts in mind, you may as well have a website redesign done to generate increased traffic and better business for your online business.

John Mahoney is a freelance author who writes about various technology related subjects including web site design . For more information about John visit his .

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Its Easy to Transfer Funds with Internet Banking

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by Terry Detty

Internet banking offers consumers the ability to transfer funds between their accounts. This is an important service as the world becomes a busier place. There are many places people want to transfer money and many reasons to do so.

People often want to transfer money from one account to another. For instance, they may want to transfer funds from their traditional account to their internet banking account. This could be a means of getting money into the account they normally use to pay bills.

Another use of internet banking to transfer funds is to move money from checking accounts to savings accounts. Money can be transferred from investment accounts as well. Any accounts you have can be accessed through internet banking to do this.

They also may want to transfer money from an account in one location to an account in another. This would be useful for someone who lives a bicoastal existence for example. When they are spending part of the year on the East Coast, they can have their money in an East Coast bank. Then, they put it in the West Coast bank while they live there.

This can be done through internet banking by using a traditional bank with internet banking capabilities. You can send the money to your other account almost instantly by using your keyboard and mouse. In fact, if you do it often and have it set up, you might only need your mouse once you get logged on.

Another reason to use internet banking accounts to transfer funds is to send money to someone else's account. This could be done to help someone in your family. For instance, you might get a call from your daughter, a young adult. She may need money to cover an emergency car repair so that she can get to work. With internet banking funds transfer, you can have the money in her account in no time.

Some people contract jobs from out-of-country workers. These people need some way to send payment to their workers. Internet banking funds transfers allow them to put the workers' paychecks into their accounts without hassle.

Overseas products are often imported by businesses or even, on a smaller scale, by individuals. Internet banking provides a means to carry out these purchases by means of funds transfers.

To transfer money to another of your accounts, you can log onto your internet banking website. There should be a tab for "funds transfer." Click on this and you will be given options. Usually, you will set up the different financial establishments where you have accounts. Then they will be ready if and when you want to transfer funds.

When you want to send money to another person's account, there is usually a different procedure to do this. You may have a different tab to select, such as "pay person." This will help you set up the funds transfer to another person's account through internet banking. In either case, you can set it up for one time only, or for recurring transfers. This is handy if you have an elderly relative on a fixed income that always needs help.

Using internet banking to accomplish funds transfers is an effective way to approach many problems. If you are ever wondering how to get money from one place to another, log on to your internet banking site and check out funds transfer details.

Terry Detty finds Search Engine Submission Services and Website Directory Submission to be very valuable to his firm. In addition to Submission Services, he enjoys reading, walking and biking. His latest interest is a new Yahoo Search Engine Submission he's been using for his website.

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