Thursday, April 17, 2008

SEO Tips for a New Website

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by Ashish juneja

If you're planning to build a brand new web site for your business, SEO should not be an afterthought; you need to think about it right from the beginning, along with your site's content. The first and the most important part of an SEO campaign is keyword research. You need to research for keywords which your target audience might use to search for your products or services.

Once you are done with your keyword research, you now need to build your website's content around it. Keywords really need to be in the body of your content in order to be noticed by the search engines. There are various techniques we need to follow in terms of keyword placement.
The biggest mistake people generally make is putting up "under construction" pages onto the live site. You would never want search engines to index a blank page. Always take your site live when you have real and original content on all the pages.

The next thing is getting a search engine friendly URL structure. Always try to keep the URL structure simple and always try to keep all your website pages closer to the root directory. Search engines like clean and simple static URLs. Try to name your pages according to the keywords targeted on those pages. Search engines really like keywords in URLs.

All websites should have a well defined site navigation that makes it easier for both a visitor and a search engine spider. Try to link your pages from other pages on the website. Ideally you should provide as many ways as possible to search engine robots to spider your website. A textual sitemap containing links to all the pages (or to the important pages) is one thing that every website must have.

In addition to a textual sitemap one other technique that you can use to make sure all your pages are indexed in the search engines is a search engine sitemap (or an XML sitemap). It lists all the pages of your website in XML format. Earlier search engines required you to manually submit these sitemaps but recent changes by the search engines allow you to just mention the location of the XML sitemap in the robots.txt file and then search engines can automatically pick the sitemap from there.

These all are some basic tips but if you really are serious about making it big on the web you will need to consult a good internet marketing UK who can provide you all kinds of services which can improve your overall presence on the web.

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